NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.PresentationElementRendererProvider is an object, which provides a custom symbol renderer for a given presentation element. 

PresentationElementRendererProvider.getRenderer(PresentationElement) method provides a specific renderer for the given com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.PresentationElement (Symbol) or null.

To make your provider start working, you must register it into the com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.PresentationElementRendererManager using:

PresentationElementRendererManager.getInstance().addProvider(new RendererProvider());


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