On this page:

This page provides answers to the most frequently asked questions and tips for troubleshooting the Authentication Server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Authentication Server log file?

The default log file location is at <Magic Collaboration Studio directory/WebAppPlatform/logs/webappplatform>. The log file is called authentication.log.


Unable to log in with different users by using ForgeRock as Identity Provider

If you were logged in with one ForgeRock user and after logging out you are trying to log in with another ForgeRock user, you will get an error message. If this happens, close the browser, reopen it, and try to log in again.

Authentication server error codes

You may get errors with the following codes while running the authentication server.

temporarily_unavailableAn unexpected system error. Check the Authentication Server logs.
invalid_request The Authentication Server client sent an incomplete request. Check the Authentication Server logs.
unsupported_response_typeThe Authentication Server client sent an invalid response type in the request. Check the Authentication Server logs.
unauthorized_clientThe Authentication Server client is not included in the list of authorized clients. Check the server configuration file <Magic Collaboration Studio dir>WebAppPlatform/shared/conf/authserver.properties (parameter authentication.client.ids).
404Magic Collaboration Studio REST endpoint for user credentials checking is not found. Check the server configuration file <Magic Collaboration Studio dir>/WebAppPlatform/shared/conf/authserver.properties (parameter twc.server.identity.check.api).
system_errorUnexpected system error or problems with the keystore management. For the keystore check if the valid keystore.p12 file exists in the <Magic Collaboration Studio dir>/configuration directory.