On this page:

Changing a license or updating it through the Server license section on the Settings application requires a user with a Server Administrator role. Changing a license means returning the current one you are using to the FLEXnet License Server, setting the server capacity back to zero, and then leasing a new one.  

License information in Server settings.

The License Information section contains the details about the license server and the license key that is currently in use. Click Change License button only if you want to change your license because it will cause the current license to be deleted and allow you to select one of the available licenses and use it. 

Getting a new Magic Collaboration Studio license from the current license server

To get a new Magic Collaboration Studio license from the current license server

  1. Log into the Teamwork Cloud Admin with an Administrator account or user with a Server Administrator role. 
  2. Using the App bar, navigate to the Settings application.
  3. Click the Change License button. A dialog informing that you are about to delete the license you are currently using will open.
  4. Click Update

    You cannot undo your action after clicking Update.

  5. Your current license server address appears in the License Server box. Click the Show Licenses button:

    Teamwork Cloud Admin will update the license information and show all available license keys on the current license server in tabular form:

  6. Select a new license key from the table and click Confirm button. Your new license will be applied and appear in the Server License section.

Getting a new Magic Collaboration Studio license from another license server

To get a new Magic Collaboration Studio license from another license server 

  1. Log into the Teamwork Cloud Admin with an Administrator account.
  2. Using App bar, navigate to Settings application.
  3. Click the Change License button. A dialog informing that you are about to delete your current license will open. 
  4. Click the Yes button.
  5. Type the address and port of another license server in the Server license box.
  6. Click the Show License button. All available license keys on the new server license will appear in tabular form.
  7. Select a new license key from the table and click Confirm. Your new license will be applied and appear in the License Information section.