After upgrading Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud from version 19.0-19.0 SP4 to version 2021x Refresh1 or later, you need to migrate all the published Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud documents to a new version. This chapter explains how to perform an automated Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud document migration from the command-line interface using a JAR file. The workflow described below will update all the documents in the Magic Collaboration Studio server using the whole model as a scope.


To migrate Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud documents

  1. Go to <modeling_tool_installation_directory>\plugins\com.nomagic.collaborator.publisher, open the file specify the server related properties.
  2. Generate properties files for all Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud documents stored on the server by executing the following command:

    java -Dstep=properties -DtwcRestURL=http(s)://<server_address>:<port> -DuserName=<user_name> -DuserPassword=<password> -DtemplateFile=<> -DdestinationDirectory=<path_to_destination_directory> -jar collaborator-migrator.jar
  3. Check the generated properties files and make sure that the template is specified.

    • Document scope should be specified as element IDs. If a document has more than one view, the scope is not specified automatically.
    • If any commented properties have a space after the hashtag symbol (#), the space needs to be removed. Otherwise, the properties will not work.
  4. If there are documents that need to be published from a historic project version, do the following (otherwise proceed to step 4):
    1. Place the properties files generated for the documents that need to be published from a historic project version in a separate folder.
    2. Create branches from the related historic project versions by executing the following command (the property files will be updated with new project branch information):

      java -Dstep=branch -DtwcRestURL=http(s)://<server_address>:<port> -DuserName=<user_name> -DuserPassword=<password>  -DtemplateFolder=<path_to_selected_property_files> -jar collaborator-migrator.jar
  5. Publish Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud documents using the command-line interface.