On this page 


The following are the script files used in this page:

The scripted installation requires internet access in order to download packages and repository files.

On a single node Magic Collaboration Studio deployment, you will need to deploy the install_monitoring_node.sh and install_telemetry_node.sh files. 

On multi-node deployments, you will need to run install_telemetry_node.sh on each Cassandra node, and activate the monitoring of the Magic Collaboration Studio node by running the add_twc_monitor.sh script on the monitoring node, so that Jmxtrans can pull the Magic Collaboration Studio metrics.

Installing the Monitoring Node

Execute the script install_monitoring_node.sh. This script will install InfluxDB, Grafana, and Jmxtrans, configure the firewall to allow traffic from the nodes, configure the InfluxDB databases, configure the first Magic Collaboration Studio node on Jmxtrans, and configure data sources and users in Grafana.

The script will require additional auxiliary files that are in the Install Monitoring Node.zip file. The files contained in the .zip file are used by the install_monitoring_node.sh script. Once you download and extract the files, make sure to place them in the same directory as install_monitoring_node.sh, so that the script can use these files during its execution.

Install Monitoring Node.zip contains:

  • twcloud.json.template - Magic Collaboration Studio metrics reading rules for reading correct metrics and storing them into InfluxDB.
  • influxdb.conf - InfluxDB configuration with metrics storing enabled for Monitoring Stack.
  • datasource1.json - InfluxDB Cassandra metrics data source configuration for Grafana.
  • datasource2.json - Telegraf (system) metrics data source configuration for Grafana.
  • datasource3.json - Magic Collaboration Studio metrics data source configuration for Grafana.
  • datasource4.json - WebApp metrics data source configuration for Grafana.
  • createguest.json - Guest user JSON template.

Installing Magic Collaboration Studio/Cassandra (telemetry) node

Once the monitoring node is deployed, telemetry must be activated for Magic Collaboration Studio/Cassandra nodes. The install_telemetry_node.sh script will install Telegraf (to send operating system telemetry) as well as deploy the Dropwizard metrics-graphite-3.1.2.jar to push Cassandra metrics to the monitoring node.

The script requires the following auxiliary files:

When monitoring more than one node, in addition to running the install_telemetry_node.sh script on the remote node, you will need to run the add_twc_monitor.sh script on the monitoring mode (where Jmxtrans is installed).

Importing the Magic Collaboration Studio Dashboard into Grafana

  1. Log in to the Grafana dashboard (http://MONITORINGNODE_IP:3000). Default credentials are admin/admin. Upon logging in, you will be prompted to change the admin password.
  2. You will be presented with the following screen:

  3. Select the option to import a dashboard.
  4. To upload .json file, click the Upload .json File. 

    1. Select the provided Teamwork_Cloud_Dashboard.json. At this point, you will be presented with the following screen, in which you will need to map the data sources. 

  5. Map the data sources as shown below and click the Import button.
  6. To make the Magic Collaboration Studio dashboard your home dashboard, perform the following steps:
    1. Mark the Magic Collaboration Studio Dashboard as a favorite.
    2.  Select Configuration -> Preferences.
    3. Select the Magic Collaboration Studio Dashboard to be your Home Dashboard and click Save.

The scripted process created a guest user, with credentials guest/guest, who can view the dashboard but cannot make any changes to it.