When configuring settings for publishing a model to Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud, you must choose a template to determine the appearance and content of a published document. If predefined templates do not meet your specific needs, you can create and apply a custom template. In custom templates, you can specify which model elements are published, what element information is displayed, and the format in which it is displayed. A custom template can be stored within a model itself or as a separate .mdzip file, which allows you to reuse it in multiple models. The following topics will help you learn how to modify a predefined template or create your own template from scratch:

Document template samples

If you are new to working with custom document templates, you may find it useful to analyze our Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud Template Samples.mdzip project which you can find with the other sample projects in your modeling tool installation directory. These template samples give step by step instructions on how to model several different document templates. The Content Diagram below shows what template modeling use cases you can find in the Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud Template Samples project.

The content of the Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud Template Samples project.