To determine the Host ID of the machine on which the FlexNet license server is installed (using lmadmin)

  1. Connect to the FlexNet server. The default address is  http://localhost:8090 or use your server name (http://<server name>:8090).

  2. Click Administration at the top-right corner of the webpage. When prompted to sign in, enter the default administrator's credentials (admin/admin).

  3. Copy the Host ID displayed as Ethernet Address (as in the following figure).

    Ethernet Address of the machine on which the FlexNet server is installed


The lmhostid is a command line utility, which prints the Host ID that a FlexNet license server requires on any supported system. The Lmhostid utility is available as an executable called lmutil


To determine the Host ID of the machine on which the FlexNet license server is installed (using lmhostid)

  1. Download the lmutil for a particular OS from:
  2. Run lmutil with lmhostid parameter from the command line. Lmhostid displays the default Host ID for the current platform.


For the exact commands for a specific OS refer to: License Administration Guide (Obtaining System Hostids)

If two or more Ethernet addresses are available on the particular machine, the first one printed by the Host ID command should be used.