Let's use MagicDraw as an example describing the creation of JUnit test cases, as other modeling tools developed by No Magic Inc. use the same naming.

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JUnit 3 test case

The JUnit test case should be created by extending the abstract com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestCase class from Open API (see the following MyTest sample). The MagicDrawTestCase class starts MagicDraw automatically for each test case method defined in MagicDrawTestCase and performs the memory leaks test after each completed test case.

MagicDrawTestCase provides default and specific constructors for creating a test case instance with a specific custom name for the specific test case method. Test cases with specific names might be helpful when several instances of the same test case are created and analyzed.

The MagicDrawTestCase initialization and tear down should be implemented in overridden setUpTest() and tearDownTest() methods. The standard JUnit method suite might be used for preparing the tests suite with several instances of test cases which may use different test data.

    import com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestCase;
    public class MyTest extends MagicDrawTestCase
        public MyTest(String testMethodToRun, String testName)
            super(testMethodToRun, testName);
        protected void setUpTest() throws Exception
            //do setup here
        protected void tearDownTest() throws Exception
            //do tear down here
        public void testSomething()
              //implement the unit test here
        public static Test suite() throws Exception
            //you may create a test suite with several instances of the test. 
            TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
            suite.addTest(new MyTest("testSomething", "MagicDraw Test Sample"));
            suite.addTest(new MyTest("testSomething", "Another MagicDraw Test Sample"));
            return suite;

MagicDrawTestCase also provides methods for opening, saving, and closing MagicDraw projects. It also performs the memory leak test after the test case has been completed and after the project has been closed. The memory leak test for the whole test case can be disabled using the setMemoryTestReady(boolean) method, while the setSkipMemoryTest(boolean) method can be used to disable the memory leaks test on closing the MagicDraw project.

The list of required MagicDraw plugins for the test case can be configured by overriding the getRequiredPlugins() method of MagicDrawTestCase. The overridden method implementation should return the list of required plugins IDs. Textual information about required plugins and their loading status can be obtained using getRequiredPluginsDescription() and isRequiredPluginsLoaded() methods.

Textual information about the test process can be logged using the Log4j logger. The test case logger for the TEST category can be accessed using the getLogger() method of MagicDrawTestCase. More information about the Log4j logger configuration and usage can be found at http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html.

JUnit 4 test case

The JUnit test class should be annotaited to use com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestRunner from Open API (see code sample bellow). The MagicDrawTestRunner class starts MagicDraw automatically and performs the memory leaks test after each completed test case.

public class MyTest
    public void beforeTestBegins()
        //do setup here
    public void afterTestDone()
        //do tear down here
    public void testSomething()
        //implement the unit test here