This functionality is available in Standard, Professional, Architect, and Enterprise editions only.

The Package Dependency Diagram Wizard creates the Package diagram, that contains packages (created within a project) and shows the relationships between them. The diagram may reflect all packages in the project, or only selected ones. The Package Dependency Diagram Wizard collects all information needed for both analyzing dependencies and generating a new diagram.

If a package owns one or more elements used by or dependent on other package elements, the Package Dependency Diagram Wizard analyzes dependencies and creates «virtual» relations between the dependent packages, as shown in the following example.

Example of virtual dependency

The Virtual dependencies package containing dependency links is created after finishing the wizard. If more than one dependency exists between elements in the packages selected to analyze, the number of dependencies is assigned to the tagged value number {n=... } on the virtual dependency.

To create a package diagram using the Package Dependency Diagram Wizard

  1. Open the Package Dependency Diagram Wizard by doing one of the following:
    • On the Diagrams menu, select Diagram Wizards > Package Dependency Diagram Wizard.
    • From the Analyze menu, select Model Visualizer. In the open Model Visualizer dialog, select the Package Dependency Diagram Wizard and click Start.
  2. Follow the steps as directed by the wizard.


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