HTML Paragraph Elements

The HTML tags in the Report Wizard’s engine for DocBook defines how a paragraph is arranged in a DocBook document. There are two categories of paragraph elements:

1.1.1 Paragraph
1.1.2 Preformatted Text


The Paragraph element (<p>) defines a paragraph. The <p> element shown in the first figure will be rendered in a DocBook format in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Paragraph

DocBook Tag for Paragraph

Preformatted Text

The Preformatted text element (<pre>) displays the text exactly as you expected it to. The <pre> tag preserves both spaces and line breaks. The <pre> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Pre-formatted Text

DocBook Tag for Pre-formatted Text

HTML Font Styles

Report Wizard specifies a group of HTML tags that you can use to define how fonts will be displayed on rendered text. They are called font style elements.

  1. Teletype Text
  2. Italics
  3. Bold
  4. Strikethrough
  5. Underline

Teletype Text

The HTML Teletype Text element (<tt>) creates teletype or monospaced text. The <tt> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Teletype Text

DocBook Tag for Teletype Text


The HTML Italics element (<i>) renders text slanted to the right. The <i> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Italics

DocBook Tag for Italics


The HTML Bold element (<b>) renders bold text. The <b> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Bold

DocBook Tag for Bold


The HTML Strikethrough element (<strike> or <s>) renders text with a horizontal strike or a line through the middle. The <strike> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Strikethrough

DocBook Tag for Strikethrough


The HTML Underline element (<u>) underlines text. The underline <u> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook as in second figure below.

HTML Tag for Underline

DocBook Tag for Underline

HTML Phrase Elements

There is a group of HTML tags that allows you to specify how fonts will be displayed on rendered text. They are called HTML Phrase Tags or Elements. The following is a list of these font style elements:

  1. Emphasis
  2. Strong
  3. Citation
  4. Definition
  5. A Fragment of Computer Code
  6. Sample Text
  7. Keyboard Input
  8. Variable


The Emphasis element (<em>) emphasizes text content and displays it in italics. The <em> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Emphasis

DocBook Tag for Emphasis


The Strong element (<strong>) strongly emphasizes text content. It renders the text in bold. The <strong> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Strong

DocBook Tag for Strong


The Citation element (<cite>) presents a citation or a reference to other sources. The <cite> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for Citation

DocBook Tag for Citation


The HTML Definition element (<dfn>) gives a definition for the term being defined. The Definition element <dfn> shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in second figure below.

HTML Tag for Definition

DocBook Tag for Definition

A Fragment of Computer Code

The HTML fragment of code element (<code>) designates part of computer code. The <code> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Code

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Code

Sample Text

The HTML Sample Text element (<samp>) designates sample output of programs or scripts. The <samp> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Sample Text

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Sample Text

Keyboard Input

The HTML Keyboard Input element (<kbd>) indicates user input or text to be entered by the user. The <kbd> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Keyboard Input

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Keyboard Input


The HTML Variable element (<var>) indicates an instance of a variable or program argument. The <var> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Variable

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Variable

HTML Link Element

The HTML Link element (<a>) defines a hyperlink that links one page to another. The <a> element supports the attribute href, which specifies the URL of a page the hyperlink goes to.

The <a> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Link

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Link

HTML Image Element

The HTML Image element (<img>) defines an image in an HTML page. The <img> element supports the attribute src, which specifies the URL of an image.
The <img> element shown in the first figure below will be rendered in a DocBook format as in the second figure below.

HTML Tag for a Fragment of Image

DocBook Tag for a Fragment of Image