NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

When working with larger models, turn on the Memory Monitor to monitor memory used by a modeling tool. The Memory Monitor shows currently used memory and the current Java heap size. Typically, when you start working with a model, used memory increases because actions are stored in the undo list, and opened diagrams are loaded.

The memory monitor bar showing currently used memory and the current Java heap size.

To turn on the Memory Monitor

  • In the main menu of a modeling tool, select View > Status Line > Show Memory Monitor.

The Memory Monitor bar appears in the bottom right corner of the modeling tool window.

Running out of memory

When used memory takes more than  85% of the total heap size, the Memory Monitor bar turns red, indicating that a modeling tool may run out of memory soon.

If a modeling tool uses all the Java heap size, you can try to recover enough memory for saving a project with the Garbage Collector, but this may take some time.

To free unused memory with the Garbage Collector

  • Click  in the Memory Monitor bar several times and wait a few minutes.

If the Memory Monitor bar is still red, save the model, restart the modeling tool, and reload the model. If the Memory Monitor bar stays red after reloading the model, you should increase the maximum Java heap size.


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