At times, you may decide to reference a different element rather than the recovered one in the model.

To replace a reference from a recovered element to another one

  1. Do either:
    • In the Model Browser, right-click an element that refers to the recovered element. From its shortcut menu select Validation > Usage of Recovered ElementUse Another Element.
    • In the Active Validation Results panel, right-click an element that refers to the recovered element and whose abbreviation is URE. From its shortcut menu select Use Another Element.
  2. In the element Selection dialog, select the element you want to use instead of the recovered element.
  3. Click OK. The reference is now pointing to the selected element. Also, it is no longer unresolved.
You can use the command for more than one element at a time.

If some of the unresolved references are read-only, belong to the read-only module, are locked by another user, or still not locked, the command will skip these elements.

Alternatively, you can replace all references from a particular recovered element to another one using one operation.

To replace a recovered element with another one in all references

  1. Do either:
    • In the Model Browser, right-click the recovered element and from its shortcut menu select Validation > Usage of Recovered Element > Change Usages To.
    • In the Active Validation Results panel, right-click the recovered element and from its shortcut menu select Change Usages To.
  2. In the element Selection dialog, select the element you want to use instead of the recovered element.
  3. Click OK. All the references are now pointing to another element. Also, they are no longer decorated as unresolved.