NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

$iterator is used with the #foreach loops. It wraps a list to let you specify a condition to terminate the loop and reuse the same list in a different loop. The following example shows how to use $iterator.

#set ($list = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13])
#set ($numbers = $iterator.wrap($list))
#foreach ($item in $numbers)
#if ($item < 8) $numbers.more()#end
1 2 3 5

$iterator.wrap( list )

Wrap a list with the tool.

 Name Type Description 
Parameter(s) list java.util.List An array or a
list instance. 
 ReturnIteratorTool Return an

$<IteratorTool instance>.hasMore()

Check if the iteration has more elements.

 Name Type Description 
Return boolean Return true if there
are more elements
in the wrapped list. 

$<IteratorTool instance>.more()

Ask for the next element in the list.

 Name Type Description 
Return  java.lang.Object An element

$<IteratorTool instance>.remove()

Remove the current element from the list.

$<IteratorTool instance>.reset()

Reset the wrapper so that it will start over at the beginning of the list.

$<IteratorTool instance>.stop()

Put a condition to break off a loop.

$<IteratorTool instance>.toString()

Return an object as a string.


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