
You can transfer data between Excel/CSV files and modeling tool tables. After sync, the data on Excel file of selected sheet or CSV file matches the data in the modeling tool table. This mechanism is bidirectional and ensures continuous work between Excel/CSV files and modeling tool tables. If you don't have the ability to collaborate via the internet but you need to share information through Excel or CSV files, you can use this feature,. The Excel/CSV file syncing is available in all tables of the modeling tool by using the the Excel/CSV Sync button in the table toolbar.

How to sync your data

Follow these steps to manually sync data between an Excel/CSV file and a modeling tool table:

Turn on syncing

Before transferring data, you must turn on syncing by creating a reference between the Excel/CSV file and modeling tool table (i.e., link the Excel/CSV file with the modeling tool table).

You can link only one Excel/CSV file with the same modeling tool table.

You can link:

Linking an existing Excel/CSV file

To link an existing Excel/CSV file with a modeling tool table

  1. Make sure the Element Type or Classifier is selected in the Criteria area.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • Drag the Excel or CSV file directly onto the modeling tool table.

    Drag the Excel or CSV file directly onto the modeling tool table. Hold it down until the Tooltip appears (long drag). Drop it, and select the Link Excel/CSV File or Attach and Link Excel/CSV File command from the opened menu.

  • On the table toolbar, click and select Excel/CSV File > Select File. Select From file system or From model in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog, click , and select an appropriate Excel or CSV file.

    Selecting files from model

    If you want to link the file from your model, make sure the Excel or CSV file is attached to project. How to attach the file to a project >

    The Excel or CSV file is linked with the modeling tool table and ready to be synced.

If you select or drag another file (e.g. Vehicle Requirements.xlsx) on a modeling tool table that is already linked with the file (e.g. Stakeholder Requirements.xlsx), the previous file named Stakeholder Requirements.xlsx is replaced with the latest one Vehicle Requirements.xlsx.

Linking a new Excel/CSV file exported directly from the modeling tool table

To create a new Excel/CSV file from the modeling tool table and link it at the same time

  • On the table toolbar, click , and select Excel/CSV File > Write To File. In the Save dialog, select the location from your file system, and save the new Excel or CSV file to your computer.
    The Excel or CSV file is exported, linked with the modeling tool table, and ready to be synced.

    The file cannot be saved if a file with the same name and in the same location already exists.

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Set the sync options (optional)

You can specify different sync and mapping options than the default ones. For example, you can specify how the deleted rows in the Excel/CSV file will be transferred to the modeling tool table, define a specific Excel file sheet and cell, and create custom column mapping. All default settings are described next to each option in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog areas.

To customize the sync and mapping options

  1. On the table toolbar, click and do one of the following:
      - Select the Sync Options button.
      - Select the Excel/CSV File > Select File. Click the Details button on the left bottom corner of the dialog.
  2. Specify the If rows in the file are deleted option value in the Sync Options area. How to >

  3. Specify the mapping options in the Mapping Options area. How to >
  4. Manage the column mapping in the mapping area. How to >
  5. Click OK.
    The sync and mapping options are set. They will be applied next time you sync data. 

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Sync data

Data can be synced bidirectionally by using two commands from the :

Read From File command

You can import data from a selected sheet in an Excel file or CSV file to a modeling tool table by using the Read From File command. Read the following rules before using this command:

  • The Read From File command is available only if the Excel/CSV file is linked with a modeling tool table. How to link it >>
  • After making any changes in the Excel or CSV file you must save them before using the Read From File command. Otherwise, the changes will not be imported to the modeling tool table.
  • The Excel or CSV file can be open while importing data from them.
  • When syncing data from an Excel file, the Read From File command:
       - Syncs only one sheet of the Excel file. By default, the first sheet is synced. You can change the sheet number in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialogMapping Options area > Sheet option.

    Syncs the first cell of the sheet filled with data. If the selected sheet is empty, it will sync from the A1 cell. You can change the cell you want to start syncing from in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialogMapping Options area > First cell option.
  • When syncing data from a CSV file, the Read From File command syncs the comma delimiter (,) by default. You can change the delimiter in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialogMapping Options area > CSV delimiter option.
  • You can indicate the heading titles of the Excel/CSV file; change this option in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialogMapping Options area First row contains headings check box.
  • After sync, the deleted rows in the file are marked as obsolete in the modeling tool table. You can change this behavior in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog > Sync Options area > If rows in the file are deleted option.
  • The columns of the Excel/CSV file and modeling tool table by default are mapped on the ordinal position. You can create your own column mapping in the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog > Mapping area.

To import data from an Excel/CSV file to a modeling tool table

  1. On the table toolbar, click .
  2. Select the Read From File command.
  3. In the Select Type dialog, select the element you want to create in the modeling tool table.
    The data is imported from the Excel/CSV file to the modeling tool table. If you made changes in the file and saved them, the table Legend displays automatically and highlights the New, Obsolete, Unchanged, and Updated rows. In the following figure, the first requirement is updated, the seventh is newly created, and the second is deleted.

Read From File exceptions

Data cannot be imported or imported correctly if:

  • The CSV file format is invalid.
  • Cells are non-editable.
  • Data types of columns are not compatible with source information.
  • Columns do not support information updates.
  • Elements with the same names but different types exist.
  • The owner is not set or updated because this element does not exist in the model.

Also, some text formatting may not be transferred.

Write To File command

You can export data from a modeling tool table to an Excel/CSV file by using the Write To File command. Read the following rules before using this command:

  • If the the file is not linked with the table, this command allows you to export a new Excel or CSV file to your computer and create a reference automatically between the table and the exported file. The file cannot be saved and linked with the table if a file with the same name and in the same location already exists. You can use the Export button from the table toolbar to export a table without creating a reference.
  • If the the file is linked with the table, this command transfers the data directly to your Excel/CSV file. 

To export data from a modeling tool table to an Excel/CSV file

  1. On the table toolbar, click .
  2. Select the Write To File command.
    The data is exported from modeling tool table to Excel/CSV file.

Write To File exceptions

The data cannot be exported or exported correctly if:

  • The Excel file is corrupted.
  • The CSV file is open.

  • The CSV file is locked or you do not have the necessary permissions to access it.

Open file (optional)

You can open the linked Excel or CSV file directly from a modeling tool table.

To open a linked Excel and/or CSV file directly from a modeling tool table

  1. On the table toolbar, click .
  2. Select Excel/CSV File > Open File.
    The linked file is opened.

Turn off syncing (optional)

You can turn off syncing if you do not want to import/export data between your modeling tool and an Excel/CSV file. For this, you must remove the reference between the Excel/CSV file and the modeling tool table.

To remove a reference between a Excel/CSV file and a modeling tool table

  1. On the table toolbar, click .
  2. Select Excel/CSV File > Clear Selection.
    The reference between tables is removed and syncing is turned off.

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