This example covers:


This example shows, how to create custom renderers for the preceding pointed symbols.

The custom package renderer. The empty package (that is without inner elements) is filled with green color:

    class PackageRenderer extends ShapeRenderer
        public Color getColor(PresentationElement presentationElement, PresentationElementColorEnum colorEnum)
            if (PresentationElementColorEnum.FILL.equals(colorEnum))
                // the color to fill
                Element element = presentationElement.getElement();
                if (element instanceof com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Package && 
                    !((com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Package) element).hasOwnedElement())
                    // the package has no elements, use the green color to fill 
                    return Color.GREEN;
            return super.getColor(presentationElement, colorEnum);


The custom slot renderer (used in the instance specification symbol). The slot values are rounded:

    class SlotRenderer extends ShapeRenderer
        public String getText(PresentationElement presentationElement, PresentationElementTextEnum textEnum)
            if (PresentationElementTextEnum.NAME.equals(textEnum))
                // the slot text is shown as a name
                Element element = presentationElement.getElement();
                if (element instanceof Slot)
                    Slot slot = (Slot) element;
                    if (slot.hasValue())
                        String string = "";
                        List<ValueSpecification> values = slot.getValue();
                        for (ValueSpecification value : values)
                            if (value instanceof LiteralString)
                                LiteralString literalString = (LiteralString) value;
                                if (string.length() > 0)
                                   string += "; ";

                                String literalValue = literalString.getValue();
                                    // round a value
                                    double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(literalValue); 
                                    double rounded = Math.round(doubleValue * 100) / 100; 
                                    literalValue = Double.toString(rounded);
                                catch (NumberFormatException e)
                                string += literalValue;
                        return slot.getDefiningFeature().getName() + "=" + string;
            return super.getText(presentationElement, textEnum);


The custom dependency link renderer. The dependency link is a blue thicker line with custom line ends:

    class DependencyRenderer extends PathRenderer
        private PathEndRenderer mClientEndRenderer; 
            // a custom client end renderer, use a filled circle at the end
            mClientEndRenderer = new PathEndRenderer(PathEndAdornment.CIRCLE, PathEndAdornmentModifier.FILLED);
        public Color getColor(PresentationElement presentationElement, PresentationElementColorEnum colorEnum)
            if (PresentationElementColorEnum.LINE.equals(colorEnum))
                // use a blue color for a line 
                return Color.BLUE;
            return super.getColor(presentationElement, colorEnum);

        protected PathEndRenderer getClientEndRenderer(PathElement pathElement)
            // use a custom end renderer 
            return mClientEndRenderer;
        public int getLineWidth(PresentationElement presentationElement)
            // a line width is 2 
            return 2;
        protected void drawPathAdornment(Graphics g, PathElement pathElement)
            super.drawPathAdornment(g, pathElement);
            // draw a circle at the middle of the dependency line
            Color background = Color.WHITE;
            Property property = pathElement.getDiagramPresentationElement().getProperty(PropertyID.DIAGRAM_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
            if (property != null)
                Object value = property.getValue();
                if (value instanceof Color)
                    background = (Color) value;
            Point middlePoint = pathElement.getMiddlePoint();
            int diameter = 10;
            int radius = diameter / 2;
            int x = middlePoint.x - radius;
            int y = middlePoint.y - radius;
            Color color = g.getColor(); 
            g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);
            g.drawOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);