Adding new diagram types to the modeling tool consists of two steps:

  1. Overriding the abstract com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.DiagramDescriptor class
  2. Registering a new diagram type

Step #1. Override the abstract com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.DiagramDescriptor class

Override the abstract class DiagramDescriptor and implement the following abstract methods:


The diagram descriptor example

For the full source code, see the Open API examples in <program installation directory>\openapi\examples.

    * Descriptor of a specific diagram.
    public class SpecificDiagramDescriptor extends DiagramDescriptor
         public static final String SPECIFIC_DIAGRAM = "Specific Diagram";
        * Let this diagram type be a sub type of a class diagram type.
        public String getSuperType()
            return DiagramType.UML_CLASS_DIAGRAM;
        * This is a creatable diagram.
        public boolean isCreatable()
            return true;
        * Actions used in this diagram.
        public MDActionsManager getDiagramActions()
            return SpecificDiagramActions.ACTIONS;
        * A configurator for a diagram toolbar.
        public AMConfigurator getDiagramToolbarConfigurator()
            return new SpecificDiagramToolbarConfigurator();
        * A configurator for diagram shortcuts.
        public AMConfigurator getDiagramShortcutsConfigurator()
            return new ClassDiagramShortcutsConfigurator();
        * A configurator for a diagram shortcut menu.
        public DiagramContextAMConfigurator getDiagramContextConfigurator()
            return new BaseDiagramContextAMConfigurator();
        * Id of the diagram type.
        public String getDiagramTypeId()
            return SPECIFIC_DIAGRAM;
        * A diagram type human name.
        public String getSingularDiagramTypeHumanName()
            return "Specific Diagram";
        * A diagram type human name in a plural form.
        public String getPluralDiagramTypeHumanName()
            return "Specific Diagrams";
        * Resizable svg icon for diagram.
        public ResizableIcon getSVGIcon()
   			ResizableIcon icon = null;
      			icon = IconsFactory.getSvgIcon(new File("icons/specificdiagram.svg").toURI().toURL());
   			catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
   			return icon;
        * URL to a small icon for a diagram.
        public URL getSmallIconURL()
             return getClass().getResource("icons/specificdiagram.svg");

Step #2. Register a new diagram type

The new diagram descriptor should be registered in a modeling tool using the com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.Application.addNewDiagramType(DiagramDescriptor) method of the modeling tool you are using. This method can be invoked when a plugin is initialized.

The diagram descriptor registration example

For the full source code, see the Open API examples in <program installation directory>\openapi\examples\specificdiagram.

	class SpecificDiagramPlugin extends Plugin{
        * Initializing the plugin.
        public void init()
            // Registering a new diagram type
            Application.getInstance().addNewDiagramType(new SpecificDiagramDescriptor());
        * Always returns true, because this plugin does not have any close specific actions.
        public boolean close()
            return true;
        * Always returns true, because this plugin does not have any specific suportability conditions.
        public boolean isSupported()
            return true;



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