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You can create property groups and subgroups for both standard UML metaclasses and stereotypes. The group will be added to either the metaclass or to the stereotype depending on the customization target of the customized property group.

If the customization target is a stereotype and the Hide Metatype property is set to true, the specified property group in this customization is visible only for the elements with this stereotype applied.

If the customization target is a metaclass, the specified group in this customization will be visible for the elements of this particular type. This group is also visible for the elements with applied stereotypes, except when the Hide Metatype property in this stereotype customization is set to true.

The table below lists the default property group visibility in the element’s Specification window.

Customization target 

Property group visibility in element’s Specification window and Properties panel 

Element of metaclass type 

Element with stereotype with DSL customization Hide Metatype=false

Element with stereotype with DSL customization Hide Metatype=true 



Visible in standard mode

Visible in standard mode


Visible in standard mode

Visible in standard mode

Visible in all modes