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Numbering Style property values

Property valueDescription


Select this style to number elements in several numbering levels. Specify at least one number part for each numbering level.
Top level elements will be numbered using the first number part. Elements in subsequent levels (directly or indirectly contained in the top level element) will be numbered using successive number parts.

If you specified fewer number parts than there are element levels, both the last element number part of the separator type and the last element number part of the non-separator type (numeric or character) will be reused to number subsequent level elements. For instance, if number parts are specified only for two numbering levels, and elements in the second level are numbered as “1.A”, “1.B”, and “1.C”, elements in the third numbering level will be numbered as “1.A.A”, “1.A.B”, etc.


 Select this style to number elements in one numbering level. Specify only one number part.

If you specified more than one number part, elements will be numbered using only the last number part. All other number parts in this case will be treated as static. For instance, if an element number includes five number parts (i.e., “1.1.1”). and the consecutive numbering style is selected, all elements will be numbered by changing only the last number part (“1.1.1”, “1.1.2”, “1.1.3”, etc.). The same happens after changing a multilevel numbering style to consecutive.


Sequence property values

Property valueDescription


Select this type to use only positive numbers for calculating a value of the number part.

Elements will be numbered starting with “1” in ascending order, if no initial value is specified.


Select this type to use only Latin letters for calculating a value of the number part.

Elements will be numbered starting with “A” in ascending order, if no initial value is specified.


Select this type to use a Binary (Reference to a code class) expression for calculating a value of the number part. Use the Expression Editor dialog to define the expression.


Select this type to specify a separator between two number parts.

Do not forget to specify the separator value for the Initial Value property. If the property value is not specified, the separator will not be used.


Select this type to use the number of an owner numbered using another numbering customization for calculating a value of the number part.