The Synchronization dialog represents those elements whose parameters are not synchronized and provides the ability to restore the synchronization.

In this section, you will find brief information for opening the Synchronization dialog and for each button that can be useful while working in the dialog.

Synchronization dialog


To open the Synchronization dialog, do one of the following

  • In the Model Browser, right-click the invalid element. On the shortcut menu, point to Validation, then to the validation group, and click the Synchronize Manually command.
  • On the diagram pane, select the invalid shape. On the smart manipulator toolbar, click the  button, and then click the Synchronize Manually command.
  • In the Validation Results window, click the Solve button and then click the Synchronize Manually command. For more information on how to open the Validation Results window, see Validation.

The source and target elements area

The following table describes the buttons in the source and target areas of the Synchronization dialog.

Source elements area:

Click to shift the selected source element up a row. In this way you can change the order of the source elements.


Click to shift the selected source element down a row. In this way you can change the order of the source elements.


Click to remove the selected source element from the project.


Click to open the Specification window of the selected source element.

Target elements area:

Click to shift the selected target element up a row. In this way you can change the order of the target elements.


Click to shift the selected target element down a row. In this way you can change the order of the target elements.


Click to remove the selected target element from the project.


Click to open the Specification window of the selected target element.

Buttons in the Synchronization dialog

The following table describes the Synchronization dialog buttons.


Synchronize All

Click the button to synchronize all the not synchronized elements. Then from the menu select the straightforward or backward synchronization. For example, when synchronizing Parameters (Activity) and Pins (Call Behavior Action) you can select to synchronize one of the following:

  • Pins (Call Behavior Action) by Parameters (Activity)
  • Parameters (Activity) by Pins (Call Behavior Action)

Synchronize Selected

Click to synchronize the selected parameter. Note that the button is disabled if no parameters are selected in the list.

After you click the Synchronize Selected button, the following menu appears:
Create -> - Click to create the target element with the same properties as the source element.
<-Create - Click to create the source element to be created with the same properties as the target element.
Update -> - Click to update the not synchronized properties of the target element according to the properties of the source element.
<-Update - Click to update the not synchronized properties of the source element according to the properties of the target element.

Note that the Update command exists only if there are properties to update.