NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A configuration file is where the initial parameters and settings of a program are defined. All default parameter values come with a program installation but you can edit configuration files and define your own values, for example, define the Java home directory. This page describes the locations where you can find the configuration files of your modeling tool, and how you can modify them and change their default storage location. Configuration files can be used to:

  • Define application arguments
  • Set the Java Home
  • Change Java parameters (such as memory allocation)
  • Update default Java classpath (advanced: for plugin developers)

The configuration files can be opened and modified using any standard text or code editor. Once modified, changing the default location of configuration files can allow you to store multiple configuration files for different versions of the tool.

This page covers all modeling tools:

  • MagicDraw
  • Cameo Enterprise Architecture
  • Cameo Systems Modeler
  • Magic Software Architect
  • Magic Cyber Systems Engineer
  • Magic Systems of Systems Architect

By default the configuration and auxiliary files of a modeling tool are stored in the following location:

OSConfiguration files storage


C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\.<modeling tool name>\<modeling tool version number>
Other OS<user.home>/.<modeling tool name>/< modeling tool version number>

Modeling tool file naming

In a file system, modeling tools' folders are named as follows:

Modeling toolFile name
Cameo Enterprise Architecturecameoea
Cameo Systems
Magic Software
Magic Cyber Systems
Magic Systems of Systems

Getting the path to configuration files

If you do not know the exact path to your modeling tool configuration files, follow the steps below to get it.

To get the path to the configuration files

  1. From the Help menu, select About <modeling tool name>. The About dialog opens.
  2. Click the Environment tab.
  3. Click the hyperlink next to Configuration Files. The folder containing modeling tool configuration files opens.

You can also save configuration files in any of the following locations:

  • <modeling tool installation directory>
  • Common Application Data location (on Windows OS)
  • Another directory

Storing configuration files in the installation directory or Common Application Data location on Windows


The Common Application Data location on Windows Vista/7/8/10 is C:\ProgramData.

To store configuration files in the modeling tool installation directory or Common Application Data location on Windows

  1. Open the <modeling tool name>.properties file, which is located in <modeling tool installation directory>\bin.
  2. In the JAVA_ARGS line, change the -DLOCALCONFIG  property value according to the following table:

-DLOCALCONFIG =true=false
Windows OSxCommon Application DataModeling tool installation directory
Other<user.home>/.<modeling tool name>/< modeling tool version number>Modeling tool installation directory


It is important to add the -DWINCONFIG=false parameter on Window OS, otherwise, the configuration files will not be stored in the modeling tool installation directory.

You may also store configuration files in your custom location. 

Storing configuration files in a custom location


If you have defined to store files in the modeling tool installation directory, files will not be stored in the defined location.

To store modeling tool configuration files in a custom location

Do either:

  1. Open the <modeling tool name>.properties file, which is located in <modeling tool installation directory>\bin.
  2. In the JAVA_ARGS line, add the following property:
     -Dlocalconfig.location=<absolute path to a custom location>

    Sample property value



  1. Go to the folder, where the configuration files are stored.
  2. Create a new file named magicdrawredirect.

  3. In the file, type the absolute path to the folder, wherein modeling configuration files will be saved, e.g., C:/<directory name>.


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