The Manage Favorites dialog allows:

  • Adding to favorites
  • Removing from favorites
  • Changing the order of favorites

To open the Manage Favorites dialog

  • In the Model Browser, click the button (on the toolbar of the open tab), and then select Manage Favorites.

The Manage Favorites dialog is a modification of the element Selection dialog. The dialog displays:

  • All elements (in tree or list view on the left side of the dialog)
  • Favorite elements (in the list on the right side of the dialog)
  • Buttons for adding and removing from favorites
  • Search modes and scope filters area
  • Buttons for reordering favorites

The order of favorites in the list of the Manage Favorites dialog meets the order of favorites on the Favorites menu. Thus, if you need to change the order of favorites on this menu, make appropriate order changes in the list of favorites on the Manage Favorites dialog. Buttons below the list will help you change the order of favorites. 

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