NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The Model Extensions tab contains all Stereotypes that are predefined and created manually in the project. In this tree, you can create, review, copy/paste, and delete extension mechanisms.

Model Extensions tab

To open the Model Extensions tab, do one of the following

  • At the top of the Model Browser, click the Model Extensions tab.
  • If the Model Extensions tab is hidden, from the Window menu, select Model Extensions

    You can change some Model Extensions tab properties in the Environment Options dialog in the Browser options group.

Model Extensions tab consists of the following two components:

  • Model Extensions tab toolbar
  • Model Extensions tree

Model Extensions tab toolbar

Model Extensions tab toolbar contains the following buttons:


Tooltip text


Collapse All

Collapses all of the current elements in the Containment tree.

Collapse Selected Recursively

Collapses only selected node and all subnodes in that node.

Group by Profiles

Groups extensions by the profiles.

Group by Metaclasses

Groups extensions by the metaclasses.


Opens the Favorites menu for choosing to do one of the following:

  • Add a selected element to favorites
  • Open the dialog for managing favorites
  • Navigate to a desired favorite in the Containment tree

Quick Find

Opens the Quick Find dialog.

The same actions you may perform using the shortcut menu of the Model Extensions tree.

Working with model elements in the Model Extensions tree

You can work with elements in the Model Extension tree using the commands available from the selected element's shortcut menu.

For more information about commands available from the shortcut menu in the Model Browser, see Working with model elements in the Model Browser.


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