A generic table is a diagram with a specific stereotype. It is used to represent the element properties in a table form. It can represent different element types in one table and show all their properties. Table rows represent elements, and columns represent element properties. For more information about generic tables and their managing, see Generic Table.
The Open API of modeling tools provides the com.nomagic.generictable.GenericTableManager class for creating and manipulating generic tables.
This API is used for creating a generic table, adding, editing, and removing table columns and rows, as well as getting cell values.
Find the Generic Table Manager Example Plugin in <MagicDraw_installation_directory>\openapi\examples\generictablemanager.
Creating generic table
To create a generic table, use the GenericTableManager.createGenericTable(Project, java.lang.String) method.
Diagram createdDiagram = GenericTableManager.createGenericTable(project, "Generic table name" ); |
Setting generic table filter
To set a generic table element types, use the GenericTableManager.setTableElementTypes(Diagram, java.util.List<java.lang.Object>) method. The type of the element types list could be the Class or the Stereotype. See an example of the table element types:
//The table element types list Set<Class> set = new HashSet<Class>(); List<Object> tableElementTypes = new ArrayList<Object>(); //Get all row elements rowElements = GenericTableManager.getRowElements(createdDiagram); for ( int i = 0 ; i < rowElements.size(); i++) { set.add(rowElements.get(i).getClassType()); } tableElementTypes.addAll(set); |
Getting generic table element types
To get the generic table element types, use the GenericTableManager.getTableElementTypes(Diagram) method:
List<Object> setElementTypes = GenericTableManager.getTableElementTypes(createdDiagram); |
Adding/getting columns
To add columns to the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.addColumnsById(Diagram, java.util.List<java.lang.String>) method.
To get all possible columns from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getPossibleColumnIDs(Element) method. To get set columns for the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getColumnIds(Diagram) method.
List<String> columnIDs = GenericTableManager.getPossibleColumnIDs(elementType); |
getColumnIds(Diagram) returns columns from the generic table:
List<String> columnIDs = GenericTableManager.getColumnIds(createdDiagram); GenericTableManager.addColumnsById(createdDiagram, columnIDs); |
How to get columnIDs, please look at the com.nomagic.magicdraw.examples.generictablemanager.GenericTableManagerExamplePlugin.GenericTableManagerAction class in the GenericTableManagerExamplePlugin.java file. The file can be found in <program_installation_directory>\openapi\examples\generictablemanager.
Getting cell value
To get a value of the generic table call, use the GenericTableManager.getCellValue(Diagram, Element, java.lang.String) method:
Property mdProperty = GenericTableManager.getCellValue(createdDiagram, element, columnId); |
Getting column names
To get column names from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getColumnNames(Diagram) method.
To get a single column name from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getColumnNameById(Diagram, java.lang.String) method.
List<String> columnNames = GenericTableManager.getColumnNames(createdDiagram); String columnName = GenericTableManager.getColumnNameById(createdDiagram, columnID); |
Getting row elements
To get row elements from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getRowElements(Diagram) method:
List<Element> rows = GenericTableManager.getRowElements(createdDiagram); |
Getting visible row elements
To get visible row elements from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.getVisibleRowElements(Diagram) method:
List<Element> rows = GenericTableManager.getVisibleRowElements(createdDiagram); |
Adding row element
To add a new row for the model element to the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.addRowElement(Diagram, Element) method:
GenericTableManager.addRowElement(createdDiagram, element); |
The element you want to add must be of the same type as one of generic table filter types.
Removing row element
To remove a row from the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.removeRowElement(Diagram, Element) method:
GenericTableManager.removeRowElement(createdDiagram, element); |
Setting table scope
To set a scope for the generic table, use the GenericTableManager.removeRowElement(Diagram, Element) method:
GenericTableManager.removeRowElement(createdDiagram, element); |
Refreshing table
To refresh the table, use the GenericTableManager.refreshTable(Diagram) method:
GenericTableManager.refreshTable(diagram) |