The modeling tool includes a number of display commands that allow you to represent elements in different diagrams. However, displaying elements is only possible if they are already created somewhere in the model. The display commands are interactive, and depend upon the selection on the diagram pane. The table below lists all of the commands which are available, and a short description of each. The table also provides a link to a more in depth description of its functionality, and lists the diagrams in which they can be used.

Command namesDescriptionUsage in diagrams
Display Related Elements

Opens the Display Related Elements dialog in which you can specify the relation type(s), their direction, scope, depth, and other options. All specified criteria define which elements and relations will be displayed on the diagram pane of the selected element. Read more >

All diagrams
Display PathsDisplays paths among shapes that already exist in the model. Read more >All diagrams
Display Internal StructureDisplays internal structure inside a selected classifier shape that contains its own internal structure. Read more >All diagrams
Display Parts/PortsOpens the Display Parts/Ports dialog from where you can specify the exact properties and/or ports you want to display on the diagram pane. Read more > Class, Composite Structure, Component, Package, Deployment, Object diagrams
Hide All PortsHides all ports of the selected shape(s) or diagram frame. Read more >Class, Composite Structure, Component, Package, Deployment, Object diagrams
Display Inner Elements

Displays internal elements and paths inside selected shape or diagram frame. There are different procedures when trying to display inner elements in:

All diagrams
Display Provided/Required InterfacesDisplays provided or required interfaces of the selected port shape. Read more >Class, Composite Structure, Component, Package, Deployment, Object diagrams
Display PinsOpens the Select Pins dialog from where you can select the exact pins you want to display on the selected shape. Read more >Activity diagram
Display Parameter NodesOpens the Select Parameters dialog from where you can select exactly which Activity Parameter Nodes you want to display on the frame of the Activity Diagram. Read more >Activity diagram
Display Expansion NodesDisplays the input or output Expansion Nodes on the Expansion Region border. Read more >Activity diagram
Display PointsOpens the Select Points dialog in which you can select which Connection Point References you want to display on a submachine State shape. Read more >

State Machine diagram

Display LifelinesOpens the Display Lifelines dialog from where you can select which lifelines you want to display. Read more >

Sequence diagram

Communication diagram

Display MessagesOpens the Select Messages dialog from where you can select which messages of the selected connector you want to display. Read more >Communication diagram