There are predefined aspects that are only included in SysML Plugin or other customizations. The predefined diagram aspects are the following: <<optical>>, <<mechanical>>, <<electrical>>, <<software>>, <<conceptual>>, and <<logical>>. The procedure below explains how to find them in your project. You can use predefined aspects in your project, or you can create custom aspects. How to create custom aspects >>

To find predefined aspects in the project when SysML Plugin is installed

  1. In the Containment tree, click , and select the Show Auxiliary Resources option.
  2. Expand packages MD Customization for SysML > additional_stereotypes > aspects.
The location of the predefined diagram aspects in the project when SysML plugin is installed. The illustration displays concepts from SysML Plugin.

Sample model

The model used in the figures of this page is the Diagram aspects sample model:

  • Download diagram aspects.mdzip.
  • Find in the modeling tool: <modeling tool installation directory>\samples\SysML\diagram aspects.mdzip.