NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A Java class is mapped directly to the UML Class with the stereotype «JavaClass». This stereotype is optional and if the UML Class has no stereotype, Java CE treats it as a Java class. If no appropriate property is found in UML, class modifiers are mapped into UML Class properties or to the Java language properties for Class.

Java class fields, operations and inner classes are mapped to the appropriate UML Properties, UML Operations and UML Classes.

Class mapping table

Java ElementUML element
Class declaration

UML Class with stereotype «JavaClass» (optional) 

Class name

UML Class name

Class Documentation

UML Class Documentation

Class extends Clause

Mapped to the UML Generalization relationship, where the supplier is an extended class and the client is a mapped class

Class Implementation Clause

Mapped to the UML Interface Realization relationship, where the supplier is an extended class and the client is a mapped class.

Visibility Modifier

UML Class “Visibility” property

Abstract Modifier

UML Class “Is Abstract” property

Final Modifier

UML Class “Is Final Specialization“ property

Static ModifierJava Language property “Static modifier“
Strictfp ModifierJava Language property “Strictfp modifier“


Java source code

* Comment of the class MyList
public final class MyList extends ArrayList implements Cloneable

UML model


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