NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Model elements and diagrams belong to a package, model (system boundary), subsystem, or other appropriated model element, which is called the owner.

The name of the owner is displayed in the model element name compartment in parentheses.

To add a model element to a package, model (system boundary), or subsystem, do one of the following

  • Drag a model element to the desired package on the diagram pane or in the Model Browser.
  • Open the Package, Model , or Subsystem Specification window, the Inner Elements property group. Click Create and select a model element or diagram you want to add. Define a model element or diagram in the open Specification window and click OK
  • From the selected owner shortcut menu in the Model Browser, select Create Element. From the list, select the desired model element. The element is created.

To display/hide the package/system boundary/subsystem name (the owner of an actor) on a model element

  • From the symbol shortcut menu, select Symbol Properties. The Symbol Properties dialog opens. In the Show Owner drop down list, select one of the owner display modes: Do Not Display, Below Element Name, In Same Line With Name, Above Element Name. For more information about the owner display mode, see " Owner display mode".
  • From the Options menu, select Project. The Project Options dialog opens. Select the desired model element. In the Show Owner drop down list, choose one of the owner display modes. If you want to apply changes for previously created model elements, click Apply.


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