NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The following macro definitions have been added to the explicit macro list:

// Symbian macro
#define _L(string) TPtrC((const TText*) string)

#define _LIT(name,s) const static TListC<sizeof(s)> name = {sizeof(s) -1,s}

#define _LIT8(name,s) const static TListC<sizeof(s)> name = {sizeof(s) -1,s}

#define IMPORT_C /*__declspec(dllimport)*/

#define EXPORT_C /*__declspec(dllexport)*/

#ut NONSHARABLE_CLASS(x) class x

#define NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(x) struct x

#define GLREF_D extern

#define GLDEF_D

#define LOCAL_D static

#define GLREF_C extern

#define GLDEF_C

#define LOCAL_C static


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