Original element

The original element is the element that will be converted. In other words, it is the conversion source.

Conversion target

The conversion target is the element type, to which the original element is going to be converted.

Converted element

The converted element is the element that type has been changed during the conversion.

Related elements

The related elements are elements having relations to the original element. Related elements can be the following:

  • If the original element is a relationship, elements connected by this relationship are considered as related element to relationship.
  • If the original element is not a relationship, relationships going from or to the original element are the related elements (such as an association, dependency, generalization, and others).
  • Other related elements associated to the original element. They are properties of the original element, such as inner elements, types, and others. 

Compatible properties

The compatible properties are original element specification that are compatible with the conversion target. The term “properties” includes related elements, inner elements, and all other elements listed in the element Specification window.

Compatible means that the converted element can have or own the particular property or properties of the original element.

Incompatible properties

Incompatible properties are original element specification that are incompatible with the conversion target. Incompatible means that the converted element can NOT have or can NOT own the particular property(-ies) of the original element.

Element conversion allows converting one element type to another. To be more specific, the element conversion functionality allows the UML model element conversion from one metaclass to another. For example, a class element can be converted to a use case, component, interface, or other. All compatible properties and all compatible related elements are moved from the source element to the converted element during the conversion.

Example of Package conversion to Component

  • Relationships conversion is available.
  • Multiple elements can be selected on the diagram or in the Model Browser to convert them to other types.

To convert elements

  1. From the selected element's shortcut menu, select Refactor > Convert To. The list with available conversion target types opens.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select the element type from the commonly used element type list. The element is converted.
    • Select More Elements to see the whole list of available conversion targets. In the opened More Elements dialog, select the element type you need and click OK. The element is converted and selected element type is included as commonly used element type.

As of the modeling tool version 17.0.2, the following commands have been moved under the Refactor command in the shortcut menu of the particular element:

  • Convert To > Output Pin for the selected Object Node or Input Pin. 
  • Convert To > Input Pin for the selected Object Node or Output Pin.
  • Convert To > Object Node for the selected Input Pin or Output Pin.
  • Convert To > Attribute(s) for the selected Association that has defined roles, that is, roles have names.
  • Convert To > Association(s) for the selected Attribute. NOTE: The Association(s) command is available only if the attribute(s) type is specified.
  • If the Refactor command is unavailable, make sure you have permissions to edit the selected element or related element(s).
  • Use Undo to restore the original element and its data.