A SimulationExecutionListener Class is a listener for Events that will be activated during execution of a model. All available Events are listed below.

  • An execution is started.
  • An element is activated.
  • An element is deactivated.
  • A signal event is triggered.
  • An operation is called.
  • A behavior is called.
  • A runtime object is created.
  • An execution is terminated.


	public class SimulationExecutionListener { 
		void executionStarted(SimulationExecution execution); 
		void elementActivated(Element element, Collection<?> values); 
		void elementDeactivated(Element element, Collection<?> values); 
		void eventTriggered(SignalInstance signal); 
		void operationCalled(Operation operation, ParameterValueList pvl, Object_ caller, Object_ target, boolean isSynchronous); 
		void behaviorCalled(Behavior behavior, ParameterValueList pvl, Object_ caller, Object_ target, boolean isSynchronous); 
		void objectCreated(Object_ sender, Object_ object); 
		void valueChange(StructuredValue context, FeatureValue feature, Object oldValue, Object newValue); 
		void executionTerminated(SimulationExecution execution); 
		void configLoaded(Element config);
		void busyStatusChange(StructuredValue context, Object oldValue, Object newValue);

Once you have created the execution listener, you can register it to a list of global execution listeners.

To register a new execution listener to a global list, type the following code

SimulationManager.registerSimulationExecutionListener(listener); //listener is an instance of SimulationExecutionListener.

All registered listeners will be cleared and removed automatically when the execution is terminated.


ExecutionAdapter and ExecutionListener are not valid in Magic Model Analyst 19.0 and in later versions.