To select the model simulation options

  1. Click Options > Environment on the main menu to open the Environment Options dialog.
  2. Select the Simulation node.

    Customizing Simulation Options in the Environment Options Dialog

  3. You can customize animation colors by modifying the color that will be used to highlight elements: Active, Visited, Breakpoint, and Last Visited color. In this tutorial, we will use the default colors.
  4. Go to the Check Model Before Execution row. If you select the check box, Magic Model Analyst will use the UML validation suite to validate the model before executing it; otherwise Magic Model Analyst will execute the model without validating it.
  5. Click OK to close the Environment Options dialog. 



Magic Model Analyst will automatically open/switch to the diagrams containing Active Elements if the Auto Open Diagrams option is set to true. Set it to false if you would like to focus on just one diagram and avoid automatic diagram open/switch.