Magic Model Analyst supports accessing tag elements by names in script evaluated from that model element. All tags will be added as variables to that model element where the script is evaluated through an Opaque expression (default language). Other variables with the same name referred to by tags will be overwritten with the values of the Tags, e.g., the default value of a Distributed property can be initialized from calculating the min and max variables as shown in the figure below.

Default values are calculated from the min and max tags as variables.

You can get any tag values by using names through console with the following command:

ALH.getTagValue(StructuredValue runtimeObject, String tagName)

You can also run the command without the runtime object even if no runtime object is provided, e.g., ALH.getTagValue(String tagName), as shown in the following figure.

Running ALH.setValue() and ALH.getTagValue() without runtime objects.