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The Results Player displays numerical values from a CSV file directly in composite structure diagrams, such as Internal Block Diagram, Parametric, etc. This allows you to review the simulation results, specific time steps, and display results of an external simulation (for example, a SSP export).

The Results Player when a file is loaded.

Understanding the UI components of the Results Player

The following table describes the UI components of the Results Player:


Load/Unload File 

Selects a CSV export file to load/Deselects the CSV export file.

BeginningStops the play and jumps to the first step.

Step BackwardJumps to the previous step.

PlayStarts automatic playback of time values in real-time.

Step Forward Jumps to the next step.

EndStops the play and jumps to the last step.

Playback speedControls the playback speed.

SliderDisplays the current position and allows you to manually scroll through the values.

Time indicatorShows the current step and allows you to manually enter the desired time value.

Time Series ChartGenerates the Time Series Chart.

Export to InstanceGenerates the Instance.

Launching the Results Player

You can launch the Results Player both through the Containment tree and the composite structure diagram.

To launch the Results Player

  • In the Containment tree, right-click the composite structure diagram and select Tools> Results Player.

  • In the composite structure diagram, right-click anywhere and select Tools>Results Player.

Loading CSV export file


  • The CSV file must be comma-delimited.
  • The first column must contain time values. Time units can be specified in parentheses; otherwise, seconds are used. Supported time units are ns, µs, ms, s, min, h, d, mo, y. 
  • Other column headers must have property paths specified in dot notation, such as engine.valveTrain.speed. Unrecognized columns are ignored.

You must load the CSV export file to be able to use the Results Player. You can load the CSV export file either manually or automatically after the simulation terminates.

To load the CSV export file manually

  1. Click on the Load File command in the Results Player.

  2. In the Open dialog, select the CSV file and click Open.

  • You can drag and drop the CSV file from the file system on the Result Player. You can also drag and drop the CSV file from the Containment tree on the Result Player and the composite diagram.
  • SysML properties are mapped to CSV file headers depending on the diagram where the file is loaded. For example, if the file has information on a System, then it must be loaded in a diagram displaying the System structure. It cannot be loaded in other level diagrams (such as Controller or Water Tank). Results can also be seen in the nested structure diagrams.

To load a CSV export file automatically when a simulation terminates:

  1. In the Specification of CSV export dialog, set the Load in Player property to true.

Generating a Time Series Chart

You can generate a Time Series Chart with help of Results Player.

To generate a Time Series Chart

  1. Click the icon, found on the Result Player.
  2. From the contextual menu, select the required values and click OK.

    While selecting values in the dialog, you can add up to ten values at a time. If there are more than ten values, click Select All to select the initial ten values in the dialog.

The generated Time Series Chart is displayed for the selected values. You can also change/update the values by clicking the icon in the Time Series Chart. You can generate multiple charts with different values at the same time. When a CSV file is unloaded, charts are deactivated, but remain open for a reference. Additionally, you can load a new CSV export file and generate new Time Series Charts. A black vertical line indicates the current time step and you can change the time step by clicking on the chart. 

Time Series Chart

Exporting the current step to an Instance Specification

To export the current step to an Instance Specification

  1. Click the  icon present on the Result Player.
  2. From the Selecting Owner or Instance dialog, select a Package to generate a new instance, or select an existing instance to update its values. Click OK.

  • The created instance is highlighted in blue in the Containment tree.
  • If an instance has several classifiers set, then you will only work with one that matches your target.