Released on: November 30, 2015

Documentation improvements

  • Documented how to generate a natural-language glossary from one or more concept models.

OWL import and export improvements

  • Import from OWL and export to OWL supports the JSON-LD format.
  • Import from OWL supports arbitrary annotation properties.
  • Export to OWL creates an OWL annotation when it finds a UML comment stereotyped as an «Annotation», having a tagged value pointing to an annotation property, and anchored to a UML class or property.

Natural Language Glossary

  • Superclass and property types now hyperlink to their head word.

Usability improvements

  • Importing from OWL creates shorter package names, unless there is a name collision.
  • A new diagram menu item selects a redefined or subsetted property in the containment tree.
  • A new diagram menu item selects a redefined or subsetted property in any one of the diagrams that show it.
  • Glossary generation options are now turned off by default for new projects.
  • A new containment tree menu item creates or rebuilds a glossary according to the currently set glossary creation project options.
  • An anonymous union superclass forces subordinate generalization sets to always be {complete}.
  • A UML package stereotyped as «ConceptModel» always unhides the "URI" metaproperty to make it easier to set its base URI.

Bug fixes

  • Setting a generalization tree to complete, disjoint, overlapping, or incomplete from the Concept Modeling menu no longer causes a stack trace.
  • Comments attached to Generalization Sets and Trees no longer cause a stack trace after a right click in the diagram window.
  • Unnecessary properties are no longer displayed as necessary in the Natural Language Glossary.
  • Right clicking in the containment tree white space no longer causes a stack trace.
  • Exporting a concept model containing more than one union class to OWL no longer fails.


Usability improvements

  • Menu items for setting the defining diagram and repairing styles are now enabled when Generalization Sets, Trees, and Properties are among the elements selected on a diagram.
  • Styles can now be repaired for Generalization Sets, Trees, and Properties.

Bug fixes

  • Default styles now work properly with UPDM stereotypes.
  • Undo for setting the defining diagram and for repairing styles works properly.
  • Enumeration and primitive data types now have a "Defined Elsewhere" style consistent with other element types.
  • Enumeration literals no longer have their defining diagrams set.
  • Class diagrams now properly auto resize.