1. The Tank block has three properties that need three properties that have been assigned default numeric values. These values are constant throughout each simulation run and are required to solve the constraints. The properties assigned default values are:
    1. sufaceAreaTank: This property determines the surface area of the tank, and is required to determine the amount of pressure in the tank as the fluid level changes. The unit is m2.

    2. gravity: This property is the gravity constant assumed to be 9.8 m/s2. This property is also required to determine the amount of pressure in the tank as the fluid level changes.

    3. fluidDensity: This is a property of the fluid in the tank itself that is coupled with and assigned to the tank. It is required for the constraints that determine the amount of fluid pressure in the tank. The unit for this property is kg/m3.

  2. The Pipe block has three properties that need three properties that have been assigned default numeric values. These values are constant throughout each simulation run and are required to solve the constraints. The properties assigned default values are:
    1. pipeLength: This is a property of the pipe that determines the resistance of the pipe to the flow of fluid through the pipe. The longer the pipe, the more resistance the fluid has to face to flow through the pipe. The unit is m.
    2. radius: Assuming the pipe has a circular cross-section, the radius is required to determine the cross-sectional area of the pipe. This is in turn required to determine the resistance of the pipe to the flow fluid through the pipe. The smaller the radius, the more resistance the fluid has to face to flow through the pipe. The unit is m.
    3. dynamicViscosity: This is a property of the fluid in the pipe itself that is coupled with and assigned to the pipe. It is required for the constraints that determine the amount of resistance to fluid flow in the pipe. The unit for this property is kg/(s*m).
  3. Two initial values required for the simulations are determined by instance specifications that are set in the two tank part properties (parts fluidReservoir1 and fluidReservoir2) in the ConnectedTanksIBD Internal Block Diagram. Instance specifications heightTank1 and heightTanks2 are assigned as the default values to each of these two part properties fluidReservoir1 and fluidReservoir2, respectively. These specifications assign an initial value to the height of the fluid level in each tank at the start of the simulation but will change as the simulation runs and the fluid level height changes with the flow of fluid from one tank to the other. Their units are m.