1. The SignalSource, Amplifier,  HighPassFilter, and LowPassFilter blocks each have a unit-less, assigned default numeric value that stays constant throughout each simulation run and are required to solve the constraints. The value property a in each of the HighPassFilter and LowPassFilter are required to determine the cut-off frequency for the signal filters. The value property in Amplifier is required to determine the gain factor of the Amplifier block. The value property amp in the SignalSource block determines the amplitude of the generated signal.

  2. Two initial values required for the simulations are determined by instance specifications that are set in the two filter part properties (parts hpf and part lpf) in the SignalProcessor Internal Block Diagram. Instance specifications hpfvar and lpfvar  are assigned as the default values to each of these two part properties hpf  and lpf, respectively. These specifications assign an initial value for the unit-less variable x in each part that is required for filtering the signal in the signal processor at the start of the simulation. But as the simulation runs, these values do change.