When the same Block is represented in several SysML Block Definition Diagrams, all Association roles are represented in the Block compartment area.

You can create and manage the Block properties in several ways:

Using the smart manipulator

Creating a property for a Block

You can create and manage properties for a Block directly on the diagram pane by using the symbol smart manipulators.

To create a property for a Block

  1. Select the Block shape.
  2. Click Create Elementsmart manipulator.
  3. From the opened menu select the property you want to create for a Block.

  4. Type its name.
  5. Specify its type.

    The property is created and displayed on the Block shape in the compartments area.

Removing a Block property from the Block shape

To remove a Block property from the Block shape

  1. Select the property on Block shape.
  2. Press Delete.
    The property is removed from the Block compartments but not from the model.

Deleting a Block property from the model

To delete a Block property from the model

  1. Right-click the property on the Block shape.
  2. From the shortcut menu select the Select in Containment Tree command. The property is selected in the Containment tree.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Press Delete.
    • Right-click and from the shortcut menu and select the Delete command.

    If a property is shared with other people, the Question dialog opens. You can then confirm or cancel the Delete command.

    The Block property is removed from the model.

Using the Specification window

All owned and inherited Block properties are collected on the left of the Block Specification window > Properties. Block properties are grouped in the Block compartments. Manage them by creating, redefining or deleting directly in the General Specification pane.

Column name
NameProperty name.
TypeProperty type.
Default ValueProperty default value.
OwnerBlock name that contains the current property.

Button nameDescription

Open Specification button

Opens the Specification window of the selected property.

Opens the list of available properties to create. Click to create the Connector property, Part property, Reference property, Value property, Constraint property, Flow property.

RedefineDuplicates the selected item and marks its name in ascending order.
DeleteRemoves the selected item from the list.


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