With a Constraint Block, you can define parameters needed to calculate a formula. In a Parametric diagram, Constraint Blocks are used as types of Constraint Properties. You can use the same Constraint Block in several Contexts. Usually, constraints are stored in a library, where you will be able to export and reuse them in other models.

To create a Constraint Block

  1. Open a Block Definition Diagram or create a new one.
  2. Click the Constraint Block button on the diagram palette, then click an empty space on the diagram pane. An unnamed constraint block is created.
  3. Type a Constraint Block name directly on the shape of that element and press Enter.
  4. In a constraints compartment, type a formula.
  5. Create parameters. Click the Constraint Block. The smart manipulator appears. Click the Parse and Create Parameters.
  6. According to the formula, parameters having default types assigned are created. If necessary, you may change the type of the particular parameter.


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