You can create element groups to more easily manage selected (possibly heterogeneous) model elements. For example, you can group elements associated with a particular model release, elements that have a certain risk level, or requirements that need to be satisfied. New elements can be added to a group and unnecessary ones removed from it any time directly from the element shortcut menu.

To create an element group

  1. In the diagram pane or Containment tree, right-click an element.
  2. Click Element GroupCreate Group.
  3. Name the newly created group and specify other properties.
  4. Click Close when you are done. The element group is created.

To add an element to an element group

  1. In the diagram pane or Containment tree, right-click an element and then go to Element Group.
  2. Check the box next to the group you want to add an element to.

To delete an element from an element group

  1. In the diagram pane or Containment tree, right-click an element.
  2. Uncheck the box next to the group you want to remove an element from.