The Type Selection Mode turns on the automatic port and part type selection. When the function is turned on:

  • On a part creation, the Select Type dialog appears. The same is valid when creating ports.
  • If a part does not have a specified type, then a new type for the part will be created on a nested port creation. A type for the new port will be created, too.

  • If a part does not have a name, type the name on the part shape on the diagram and the type will be created automatically. The typed name will be the name of the part type (NOTE: that part will be without a name).

To turn on the Type Selection Mode

  • On the Composite Structure, Class, Component, or Package diagrams palette, click Type Selection Mode .

    The Type Selection Mode works separately for each project.

You can save the time spent looking for elements in the type selection list by using package imports.


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