You can display instances in either Instance or Requirement tables to view the data and its verification results. In the tables' toolbar, via the Options button, you can choose to turn on or off the Enable Patterns-Based Verification option, which determines which type of verification is presented in the tables:

  • Enable Patterns-Based Verification is ON: This mode presents the verification based on instance slot values. It ignores the tag values of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype.
    • Presents the verification performed by comparing the instance slot value with the requirement boundary.
    • The margin is calculated based on the comparison, and the table cells are colored (green for pass, red for fail) based on the comparison results.
    • If the simulation is done with requirements refined by constraints, the requirement boundary is unknown (Refined) and the margin cannot be calculated; thus the verification cannot be performed and the table cells are not colored.

Enable Patterns-Based Verification is ON, the Instance table presents the verification performed based on the instance slot values with the table cells colored accordingly. «VerificationStatus» stereotype tag values are ignored.
The spring.coils property column is not colored because it satisfies a requirement whose bounds are refined by a constraint, so verification cannot be done. 

Enable Patterns-Based Verification is ON, the Requirement table presents the verification performed based on the instance slot values with the table cells colored accordingly. «VerificationStatus» stereotype tag values are ignored. 
The Spring Coils requirement row is not colored because this requirement (its boundaries) is refined by a constraint, so verification cannot be done.

  • Enable Patterns-Based Verification is OFF: This mode presents the verification based on tag values of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype. It ignores the instance slot values.

    • Presents the verification performed by comparing the 'margin' tag value with the requirement boundary.
    • The margin calculated during the simulation is stored in the 'margin' tag of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype. If the 'margin' tag value is empty, as is the case when the verification is done with requirements refined by constraints, the verification is presented based on the 'status' tag value (pass/fail). Based on this, the table cells displaying the slot values are colored (green for pass, red for fail).
  • To color the Instance table based on the verification results without enabling the Enable Patterns-Based Verification option, make sure to display the Legend (Legend button in the Table toolbar > Apply Legends > Verification Status).
  • Disabling the Enable Patterns-Based Verification option is only useful when working with instances (in either Instance or Requirement tables), as disabling the option considers the tag values of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype instead of the slot values.

Enable Patterns-Based Verification is OFF, the Instance table presents the verification performed based on the tag values of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype with the table cells colored accordingly. The instance slot values are ignored.
spring.deflectionDistance presents the verification based on the comparison of the 'margin' tag value with the requirement bounds. The spring.coils property satisfies a requirement whose bounds are refined by a constraint; thus it has no margin and its verification is presented based on the 'pass' tag value of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype. 

Enable Patterns-Based Verification is OFF, the Requirement table presents the verification performed based on the tag values of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype with the table cells colored accordingly. The instance slot values are ignored.
Spring Deflection Distance presents the verification based on the comparison of the 'margin' tag value with the requirement bounds. The Spring Coils property satisfies a requirement whose bounds are refined by a constraint; thus it has no margin and its verification is presented based on the 'pass' tag value of the «VerificationStatus» stereotype.