In order for Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) to start, you need to start Cassandra first (see Starting Cassandra on Linux). Once your Cassandra is started, you can start TWCloud and the authentication server (you can also start the authentication server before you start Cassandra or TWCloud), and then connect your MagicDraw client to the server or work on your project using TWAdmin. This section provides the instructions to start TWCloud on Linux either as a service or from the executable file.

To start TWCloud on Linux as a service, type

$  sudo service twcloud-svc start

To stop TWCloud service on Linux, type

$ sudo service twcloud-svc stop

To start TWCloud on Linux using the executable file

$ cd <TWCloud install folder>
$ ./twcloud

To start the authentication server follow the instructions here Authentication server.

Stopping the server will cause any other users or clients' sessions to become unresponsive; therefore, they can no longer access the server and perform all operations such as check out projects, commit or update changes. It is recommended that you stop the following sequentially: TWAdmin, TWCloud, and Cassandra.

To get started working with TWCloud in MagicDraw and using TWAdmin, you need to apply the TWCloud license. Click here for the instructions License management.