The following data source parameters are used for integration with and connection to Cassandra.

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
cassandra.contactPointsCassandra hosts or IP addresses, separated by commas.localhost
cassandra.portCassandra port for CQL clients.9042
cassandra.keyspace.replication.factorCassandra replication factor for “auth” keyspace which is used by the authentication server. The replication factor should be set the same as in the TWCloud application.conf file.1
cassandra.connection.max.attemptsMaximum number of attempts to connect to Cassandra on server startup.10
cassandra.connection.sleep.before.attemptTime interval before connection attempts in milliseconds.30000


The user name used for connecting to Cassandra.cassandra


The password used for connecting to Cassandra.cassandra
cassandra.ssl.enabledEnable SSL authentication for Cassandra.false

To enable SSL authentication for Cassandra, see SSL authentication for Cassandra.


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