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Teamwork Cloud can be configured to access a FlexNet server for license checkout and validation. The FlexNet server can be installed on the same system or on a separate machine.


Installing FlexNet server

The install_flex_ol_rhel.sh script will download all required components, deploy the server, create the systemd service entry to control it, and create the necessary firewall rules to allow the required traffic (if firewalld is running). The script may require modification depending on the zone where the interface is located. In addition, the script creates the lmadmin user, which runs the lmadmin service.

The script can also be used for offline installation. Download and place the FlexNet and Cameo daemon packages in the same location as the script. Make sure other prerequisites are installed.

To install the FlexNet server

  1. Run the install_flex_ol_rhel.sh script to start the installation and follow the installer instructions.

    All the default values presented by the installer should be accepted except for the installation directory which should be changed when prompted (see step 2).

  2. After the lmadmin service is installed, start it by executing the following command:

    sudo systemctl start lmadmin
  3. To check if the service is running, execute the following command:

    sudo systemctl status lmadmin


If the Imadmin service failed to start, it is often because the built-in web server cannot resolve the hostname.

To check if this is the case, execute the following commands:

cd /opt/local/FNPLicenseServerManager/logs
tail web.log

You will see output similar to the following where yourhostname is the name of the host:

[Tue May 02 18:43:27 2017] [alert] (EAI 2)Name or service not known:
mod_unique_id: unable to find IPv4 address of "yourhostname"
Configuration Failed

If this is the case, edit the /etc/hosts file and add the following entry so the webserver could resolve the host:  yourhostname