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Enduring Task removed

The Enduring Task element was removed, so it became Strategic Phase after the migration. 

Capability For Task removed

Capability For Task was removed, so after the migration, Capability For Task will be changed to Phases relationship (reverse). 

Changes for properties of  ActualEnterprisePhase

  • Operational Architecture Of Enterprise Phase property was removed, so after the migration Implements relationship will be created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Operational Architecture element.
  • Resource Architecture Of Enterprise Phase property was removed, so after the migration Implements relationship will be created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Resource Architecture element.

  • Vision property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Vision
  • Goal property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Goal
  • Concern property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Concern

Changes for properties of  Desired Effect and Achieved Effect 

  • AchievedEffect:: desiredEffect is removed.
  • DesiredEffect::achievedEffect is removed.
  • After the migration, the Compares To relationship is created between desires target and achieves target if AchievedEffect:: desiredEffect and DesiredEffect::achievedEffect were linked with each other. 

Consumes renamed

In UAF 1.2 Consumes relationship is renamed to Supports, and the direction is reversed. 

Risk Owner removed

The Risk Owner property is removed, so after the migration, it will be added to the ToDo property in the Specification window of the Risk element.

Specializations of Capable Element updated

In UAF 1.2 Actual Enterprise Phase and Actual Enduring Task are removed as specializations of Capable Element. If these elements have a relationship (Exhibits) with Capability, the Exhibits relationship was removed, and Phases will be created. 

Changes Property Types

In earlier versions, the benefit property (owned by Enterprise Goal) was String. In UAF 1.2, the benefit property has a value Item for its value. After migration, a value item element will be created based on benefit value. 

Changes for Whole Life Enterprise

In the earlier version, Whole Life Enterprise was Class. In UAF 1.2 Whole Life Enterprise will be Instance Specification. After migration, Whole Life Enterprise becomes Strategic Phase.