Enduring Task removed

Enduring Task element was removed and after the migration it become Strategic Phase. 

Desired Effect changes

Desired Effect renamed to Desires. After the migration relationship is removed because the supplier has changed (from Desired State to Actual State).

Changes for properties of  Actual Enterprise Phase

  • Vision property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Vision
  • Goal property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Goal

Changes for property of Enterprise Goal

  • Enterprise Phase property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Goal

Changes for property of  Enterprise Vision 

  • Enterprise Phase property was removed, so after the migration Phases relationship was created between Actual Enterprise Phase and Enterprise Vision

Changed Property Types

In earlier versions, the Benefit property (owned by Enterprise Goal) was String. In UAF 1.2  Benefit property has Value Item for its value. After migration, Value Item element will be created based on Benefit value. 

Changed for Whole Life Enterprise

In earlier version, WholeLieEneterprise was Class. In UAF 1.2 WholeLieEneterprise  will be Instance Specification. After migration, Whole Life Enterprise becomes Strategic Phase.