
Enumeration of the possible kinds of Environment. Its enumeration literals are:

  • TerrainType - Indicates that the Environment associated with EnvironmentKind captures a kind of terrain used to describe the terrain state of an environment at a particular time (e.g., muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.).
  • WeatherConditions - Indicates that the Environment associated with EnvironmentKind captures a kind of weather condition (e.g., Typhoon, Hurricane, Very Hot, Humid, etc.). 
  • LightConditions - Indicates that the Environment associated with EnvironmentKind captures a kind of light condition (e.g., broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.). 
  • CBRNEnvironment - Indicates that the Environment associated with EnvironmentKind is of a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) kind. 
  • SituationType - Indicates that the Environment associated with EnvironmentKind captures a kind of situation used to describe the types and levels of threat (e.g., Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, etc.).

Architecture Framework

UAF 1.2, DoDAF 2.0, MODAF, NAF, NAF 4.0


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