
The SvcV-1 addresses the composition and interaction of services. For DoDAF V2.0, SvcV-1 incorporates human elements as types of performers - Organizations and Personnel Types.

The SvcV-1 links together the operational and services architecture models by depicting how resources are structured and interact to realize the logical architecture specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description. A SvcV-1 may represent the realization of a requirement specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description (i.e., in a “To-Be” Architectural Description), and so there may be many alternative SvcV models that could realize the operational requirement. Alternatively, in an “As-Is” Architectural Description, the OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description may simply be a simplified, logical representation of the SvcV-1 to allow communication of key Resource Flows to non-technical stakeholders.

The intended usage of the SvcV-1 includes:

  • Definition of service concepts.
  • Definition of service options.
  • Service Resource Flow requirements capture.
  • Capability integration planning.
  • Service integration management.
  • Operational planning (capability and performer definition).

The SvcV-1 is used in two complementary ways:

  • Describe the Resource Flows exchanged between resources in the architecture.
  • Describe a solution, or solution option, in terms of the components of capability and their physical integration on platforms and other facilities.


SvcV-1 can be represented using a SvcV-1 diagram which is based on the UML class diagram.

SvcV-1 Services Context Description

The SvcV-1 links together the operational and services architecture models by depicting how resources are structured and interact to realize the logical architecture specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description. A SvcV-1 may represent the realization of a requirement specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description (i.e., in a “To-Be” Architectural Description), and so there may be many alternative SvcV models that could realize the operational requirement. Alternatively, in annus-Is” Architectural Description, the OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description may simply be a simplified, logical representation of the SvcV-1 to allow communication of key Resource Flows to non-technical stakeholders.

Some Resources can carry out service functions (activities) as described in SvcV-4 Services Functionality Description models and these functions can optionally be overlaid on a SvcV-1.

The SvcV-1 depicts all Resource Flows between resources that are of interest. Note that Resource Flows between resources may be further specified in detail in the SvcV-2 Services Resource Flow Description model.


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