The replaced elements mean that their names and/or metaclasses are changed. Pay attention, that some elements from UPDM 2.1 are replaced to one element in UAF 1.1.

UPDM 2.1UAF 1.1Comments
Activity Part Of Capability [Dependency]Maps To Capability [Abstraction]

Maps To Capability relationship denotes that an Activity contributes to providing a Capability.

Activity Performed By Performer [Dependency]

Is Capable Of Performing [Dependency]

Is Capable To Perform [Abstraction]Is Capable To Perform relationship defines the traceability between the Capable Elements to the Activities that they can perform.
Actual Organization RelationshipActual Resource RelationshipActual Resource Relationship is an abstract element that details the Actual Organizational Resources that are able to carry out an Actual Responsibility.
Actual PropertyActual MeasurementActual Measurement is an actual value that is applied to a Measurement.
Capability Of Performer [Dependency]Exhibits [Abstraction]Exhibits relationship that exists between a capable element and a Capability that it meets under specific environmental conditions.
Capability PropertyCapability Role


Light Condition

EnvironmentA definition of the environmental factors in which something exists or functions. The definition of an Environment element can be further defined using EnvironmentKind.

Deployed Milestone

No Longer Used Milestone

Out Of Service Milestone

Increment Milestone

Actual Project Milestone

Actual Project Milestone

Actual Project Milestone is an event with a start date in an Actual Project from which progress is measured. Actual Project Milestone can have such kinds:

  • In Service.
  • Deployed.
  • No Longer Used.
  • Out Of Service.
  • Other.



Natural ResourceNatural Resource is any type of physical resource that occurs in nature such as oil, water, gas, or coal.

Exchange Element


Data Element

Information Element

If the Exchange Element was conveyed by Resource Interaction it is migrated to Data Element. The Data Element is formalized representation of data that is managed by or exchanged between systems.

If the Exchange Element was conveyed by Operational Exchange or wasn't conveyed, it is migrated to Information Element. The Information Element is an item of information that flows between Operational Performers and is produced and consumed by the Operational Activities that the Operational Performers are capable to perform (see Is Capable To Perform).

Functional StandardStandardA ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture. A Standard may be applied to any element in the architecture.

Function Edge [Activity Edge]

Functional Control Flow [Control Flow]

Functional Object Flow [Object Flow]

Function Edge is an abstract grouping for Function Control Flow and Function Object Flow.

Function Object Flow connects Function Actions using Pins.

Function Control Flow connects Function Actions directly.


Actual ProjectActual Project defines a time-limited endeavor to provide a specific set of Actual Resources that meet specific Capability needs.
Individual Person RoleActual PostAn actual, specific post, is an instance of a Post "type" - e.g., "President of the United States of America" where the Post would be president.
LocationActual LocationActual Location is an Actual State that describes a physical location, for example using text to provide an address, Geo-coordinates, etc.
Location TypeLocationLocation element denote a specification of the generic area in which a location holder is required to be located.
Logical ArchitectureOperational ArchitectureOperational Architecture is an element used to denote a model of the architecture, described from the business operational perspective.
MeasureActual Measurement SetActual Measurement Set denote a set of Actual Measurements.

Measure Type

Security Attributes Group

Measurement SetMeasurement Set denote a set of Measurements.
Milestone SequenceMilestone DependencyMilestone Dependency relationship is relationship between two Actual Project Milestones that denotes one Actual Project Milestone follows from another.
NeedlineOperational ConnectorOperational Connector is a Connector that goes between Operational Roles representing a need to exchange resources. It can carry a number of Operational Exchanges.
Node OperationOperational MethodOperational Method is a behavioral feature of a Operational Performer whose behavior is specified in an Operational Activity.
Node ParentOperational AgentAn abstract element grouping Operational Architecture and Operational Performer.
Node PortOperational PortOperational Port is used of a Operational Performer or Operational Architecture in the context of another Operational Performer or Operational Architecture. The whole-part relationship is created.
Node RoleOperational RoleUsage of a Operational Performer or Operational Architecture in the context of another Operational Performer or Operational Architecture. Creates a whole-part relationship.
Operational Activity Edge [Activity Edge]

Operational Control Flow [Control Flow]

Operational Object Flow [Object Flow]

Operational Activity Edge is an abstract grouping for Operational Control Flow and Operational Object Flow.

Operational Object Flow connects Operational Activity Actions using Pins.

Operational Control Flow connects Operational Activity Actions directly.

Organizational Project Relationship

Project Ownership

Responsible For

Responsible For relationship is relationship between an Actual Responsible Resource and an Actual Responsibility or Actual Project. It defines the duties that the Actual Responsible Resource is Responsible For.

Organization TypeOrganizationOrganization element denote a group of organizational resources (Persons, Posts, Organizations and Responsibilities) associated for a particular purpose.



Security Domain

Operational PerformerOperational Performer denote a logical entity that Is Capable To Perform Operational Activities which produce, consume and process resources.
Person TypePostPost denote a type of job title or position that a person can fill (e.g. Lawyer, Solution Architect, Machine Operator or Chief Executive Officer).
Physical ArchitectureResource ArchitectureResource Architecture is an element used to denote a model of the Architecture, described from the System Resource perspective.
Project TypeProjectProject is an element that describes types of time-limited endeavours that are required to meet one or more Capability needs.
PropertyMeasurementMeasurement is a property of an element representing something in the physical world, expressed in amounts of a unit of measure.



Operational Port

Resource Port

Operational Port is used of a Operational Performer or Operational Architecture in the context of another Operational Performer or Operational Architecture. The whole-part relationship is created.

If Request port belongs to System Resource it is migrated to Resource Port.

If Request port belongs to Operational Performer it is migrated to Operational Port.

Resource Port is an interaction point for a System Resource through which it can interact with the outside environment and which is defined by a Resource Connector.  

If Service port belongs to System Resource it is migrated to Resource Port.

If Service port belongs to Operational Performer it is migrated to Operational Port.

Resource InteractionResource Exchange
Resource Interaction ItemResource Exchange ItemResource Exchange Item is an abstract grouping for elements that defines the types of elements that can be exchanged between System Resources and conveyed by a Resource Exchange.
Resource InterfaceResource ConnectorResource Connector is a channel for exchange between two Resource Roles.
Resource State MachineResource State DescriptionA state machine describing the behavior of a System Resource, depicting how the System Resource responds to various events and the actions.
Resource OperationResource Method
Role TypeResponsibilityResponsibility element is the type of duty required of a Person or Organization.
Service Access

Capability Configuration

Service Specification

Capability Configuration represents a composite structure the physical and human resources (and their interactions) in an enterprise, assembled to meet a Capability.

Service Specification defines the specification of a set of functionality provided by one element for the use of others.

Service AttributeFlow Property

Flow Property is a SysML element with already defined direction that is inout. A Flow Property signifies a single flow element that can flow to/from a Block. A flow property’s values are either received from or transmitted to an external Block. Flow properties are defined directly on Blocks or Flow Specifications that are those specifications which type the Flow Ports. Flow properties enable item flows across connectors connecting parts of the corresponding block types, either directly (in case of the property is defined on the Block) or via Flow Ports.

Service Channel

Resource Connector

Operational Connector

If Service Channel connects Ports which owner is System Resource it is be migrated to Resource Connector.

If Service Channel connects Ports which owner is Operational Performer it is be migrated to Operational Connector.

Service Level Value SetProvided Service LevelProvided Service Level is a sub type of Actual Service that details a specific service level delivered by the provider.
Service State MachineService State DescriptionService State Description is a state machine describing the behavior of a Service Specification, depicting how the Service Specification responds to various events and the actions.
SkillCompetenceCompetence element is a specific set of abilities defined by knowledge, skills and aptitude.
Skill Of Person TypeProvides CompetenceProvides Competence is a dependency relationship that asserts that an Actual Organizational Resource provides a specific set of Competencies.
SystemResource ArtifactResource Artifact element is a type of man-made object that contains no human beings (i.e. satellite, radio, petrol, gasoline, etc.).
System ResourceResource PerformerThe Resource Performer covers the Resource Architecture, , Known Resource.Physical Resource
Service OperationService MethodA behavioral feature of a Service Specification whose behavior is specified in a Service Function.
Technical StandardStandardStandard is a ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture. A Standard may be applied to any element in the architecture.
TrustlineOperational ExchangeOperational Exchange asserts that a flow can exist between Operational Performers (i.e. flows of information, people, materiel, or energy).
VisionEnterprise VisionAn Enterprise Vision describes the future state of the enterprise, without regard to how it is to be achieved.

Activity Part Of Project [Dependency]

Overlap [Dependency]

DependencyThe Dependency relationship is used instead of stereotyped dependencies such as Activity Part Of Project and Overlap.

Association Of Information [Association]

Entity Relationship [Association]

AssociationThe Association relationship is used instead of stereotyped associations such as Association Of Information and Entity Relationship.
Asynchronous Message [Signal]SignalThe Signal element is used instead of stereotyped signal element Asynchronous Message.

Condition Property [Property]

Entity Attribute [Property]

PropertyThe Property is used instead of stereotyped properties such as Condition Property and Entity Attribute.
Design Rule [Constraint]ConstraintThe Constraint is used instead of stereotyped constraint Design Rule.
Geo Political Extent [Instance Specification]Instance SpecificationThe Instance Specification is used instead of stereotyped instance specification Geo Political Extent .

Logical Data Model [Data Model]

Physical Data Model [Data Model]

Data ModelThe Data Model is used instead of stereotyped data models such as Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model.

Operational Event Trace [Interaction]

Resource Event Trace [Interaction]

Service Interaction [Interaction]

InteractionThe Interaction is used instead of stereotyped interactions such as Operational Event Trace, Resource Event Trace, and Service Interaction.

Operational State [State]

Resource State [State]

StateThe State is used instead of stereotyped states such as Operational State and Resource State.
Project Activity Edge [Activity Edge]Activity EdgeThe Activity Edge is used instead of stereotyped activity edge Project Activity Edge.
Service Description [Package]PackageThe Package is used instead of stereotyped package Service Description.
Service Level Value [Slot]SlotThe Slot is used instead of stereotyped slot Service Level Value.
Service Message Handler [Reception]


The Reception is used instead of stereotyped reception Service Message Handler.
UPDM ElementUAF Element


The following table describes properties  which are renamed in UAF 1.1 profile.


Property UPDM 2.1 [name]

Property UAF 1.1 [name]




