An OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic Diagram is based on the UML Composite Structure Diagram. Since it is a bit complex, the OV-1 Free Form diagram can be used alternatively.

A Concept Role here is a property for a High-Level Operational Concept element. It represents a role that an element (the type of this property) is playing in this High-Level Operational Concept. According to the UPDM specification Concept Role may represent (to have a type set as) an Operational Node, any of the Resources (System, Systems Node, etc.) or Location. The difference among Concept Role, Operational Node Concept Role and other Roles is the type or in other words, the represented element of the Concept Role.

To create an OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic diagram

  1. Create Concept Roles.
  2. Specify the types of the Concept Roles (make sure you have SV-1 and OV-2 diagrams completed).
  3. Associate Concept Roles using Arbitrary Relationships.